





38 (  )内の正しいものを選びなさい。
(1) This dog is ( pretty, prettier, more pretty) than mine.
(2) Mt. Fuji is (the most, the, more) highest mountain in Japan.
(3) My house is as (big, bigger, biggest, the biggest) as Tom’s.
(4) Can Tom run the fastest (or, in, of, as) the four?
(5) I speak English (well, good, better, best) than my uncle.
(6) Tokyo is (a, the, one of the, one of) largest cities in the world.
(7) Which is (big, bigger, biggest, the biggest), your dog or Akira’s?
(8) She can run (much, very, so) faster than her mother.

(1) This dog / is / ( pretty, prettier, more pretty) / than mine.
  S             V    C                                            M
  『than ~があるので比較級』ですね。

(2) Mt. Fuji / is / (the most, the, more) highest mountain / in Japan.
  S            V    C                                                          M

(3) My house / is / as (big, bigger, biggest, the biggest) / as Tom’s.
  S               V    C                                                     M
  「as ~ as」の同等比較の文なので、原級を使います。

(4) Can / Tom / run / the fastest / (or, in, of, as) the four?
  (V)    S        V      M                 M

(5) I / speak / English / (well, good, better, best) / than my uncle.
  S  V          O            M                                    M

(6) Tokyo / is / (a, the, one of the, one of) largest cities / in the world.
  S         V     C                                                          M
  「one of 複数名詞」「~の中の1つ」という定型表現です。
  最上級の「the largest cities」の表現も作ります。
  *one of the

(7) Which / is / (big, bigger, biggest, the biggest), your dog or Akira’s?
  S          V    C                                                M
 「Which … 比較級, A or B?」という英語の表現形式です。


(8) She / can run / (much, very, so) faster / than her mother.
  S       V            M                                  M
  『比較級を強調する副詞は much』を覚えておこう。

39 (  )内の語を、必要なら形を変えて、英文を完成しなさい。
(1) Winter is the (   ) season of the year. (cold)
(2) This book is (   ) than that. (easy)
(3) Your question was (   ) than his. (difficult)
(4) She plays the piano (   ) than her sister. (well)
(5) This is (   ) book that I have ever read. (interesting)
(6) Mary is the (   ) singer of the three. (good)

(1) Winter / is / the (   ) season / of the year. (cold)
  S          V    C                              M

(2) This book / is / (   ) / than that. (easy)
  S               V    C            M
  「than that」の「that」は、「that book」→「that one」から省略したもの。

(3) Your question / was / (   ) / than his. (difficult)
  S                     V       C            M
  『2音節以上の形容詞・副詞は、more / most をつける』
  「his」は「his question」のことで、『所有格+名詞=所有代名詞』で表します。
  *more difficult

(4) She / plays / the piano / (   ) / than her sister. (well)
  S       V        O               M            M

(5) This / is / (   ) book (that/ I have ever read). (interesting)
  S       V    C                ←
  *the most interesting

(6) Mary / is / the (   ) singer / of the three. (good)
  S        V    C                            M

 - 比較






メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


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