


連立完成問題29 修飾語のルール






151. Do you know the girl who is playing the violin?
        Do you know the (     )(     ) the violin?

152. You can’t catch a swallow that is flying.
        You can’t catch a (     )(     ).

153. Ms. Green is a teacher all the students love.
        Ms. Green is a (     )(     )(     ) all the students.

154. My father took this picture.
        This is the (     )(     )(     ) my father.

155. I don’t know her name.
        I don’t know (     ) she (     ).

156. Do you understand what you should do now?
        Do you understand what (     )(     ) now?

157. Do you know Mr. Smith’s address?
        Do you know (     ) Mr. Smith (     )?


151. Do you know the girl who is playing the violin?
        Do you know the ( girl )( playing ) the violin?


152. You can’t catch a swallow that is flying.
        You can’t catch a ( flying )( swallow ).



153. Ms. Green is a teacher all the students love.
        Ms. Green is a ( teacher )( loved )( by ) all the students.


All the students love a teacher.
→ A teacher is loved by all the students.


    Ms. Green is a teacher all the students love.
→ Ms. Green is a teacher whom all the students love.
→ Ms. Green is a teacher who is loved by all the students.
→ Ms. Green is a teacher loved by all the students.

154. My father took this picture.
        This is the ( picture )( taken )( by ) my father.


    My father took this picture.
→ This is the picture which my father took.
→ This is the picture which was taken by my father.
→ This is the picture taken by my father,

155. I don’t know her name.
        I don’t know ( who ) she ( is ).


『間接疑問文:疑問詞+S+V ~』

156. Do you understand what you should do now?
        Do you understand what ( to )( do ) now?


157. Do you know Mr. Smith’s address?
        Do you know ( where ) Mr. Smith ( lives )?


『間接疑問文:疑問詞+S+V ~』

 - 連立完成問題






メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


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