





44 (  )内の正しいものを選びなさい。
(1) (Be, Is, Are, Do) a good boy, Tom.
(2) (What, When, How) early risers you are!
(3) Get up early, (and, but, or) you will be late for scchool.
(4) (How, What, Much, Good) well he can swim!
(5) Don’t (run, runs, ran, running) in the room.
(6) (What, Are, How) pretty flowers these are!
(7) Turn to the left there, (if, and, or) you’ll see the bus stop on the right.
(8) What (the nice, those nice, a nice, nice) players they are!

(1) (Be, Is, Are, Do) / a good boy, Tom.
  V(命令文)             C                M
  「Tom is a (very) good boy.」を命令文にすると考えます。

(2) (What, When, How) early risers / you / are!
  C                                               S       V
  「risers」と『S+Vの前に名詞がある』ので「What ~!」ですね。
  『What a ~!』と覚えてはいけません
  →名詞が単数の時にだけ「a, an」がつくのですから

(3) Get up / early, (and, but, or) you / will be / late / for scchool.
  V           M                          S        V          C      M

  『命令文…, and ~.』「…しなさい、そうすれば~」『順接』の関係
  『命令文…, or ~』『…しなさい、そうしないと~」『逆接』の関係

  「get up early」と「will be late」は逆接の関係ですね。

(4) (How, What, Much, Good) well / he / can swim!
  M                                             S      V
  「well」は副詞で『S+Vの前に名詞がない』ので「How ~!」です。

(5) Don’t (run, runs, ran, running) / in the room.
  V                                             M

(6) (What, Are, How) pretty flowers / these / are!
  C                                               S          V
  『S+Vの前に名詞がある』ので「What ~!」ですね。

(7) Turn / to the left / there, 
  V       M               M                      
                    (if, and, or) you / ‘ll see / the bus stop / on the right.
                                     S        V         O                   M
  『命令文…, and / or ~』の問題ですね。

(8) What (the nice, those nice, a nice, nice) players / they / are!
  C                                                                      S        V

45 次の2文がほぼ同じ内容になるよう(  )に適語を入れなさい。
(1) Tom’s room is very big.
  (   ) big Tom’s room is!
(2) Don’t wash your car in the river.
  You (   ) not wash your car in the river.
(3) How big that dog is!
  (   )(   ) big dog that is!
(4) If you don’t hurry up, you will be late.
  (   )(   ), (   ) you will be late.
(5) What a good idea he has!
  How (   ) his idea (   )!

(1) Tom’s room / is / very big.
  S                  V    C
  *( How ) big Tom’s room is!

(2) Don’t wash / your car / in the river.
  V                 O             M
  『Don’t+命令文~ = S must not V ~』でしたね。
  *You ( must ) not wash your car in the river.
(3) How big / that dog / is!
  C             S             V
  (   )(   ) big dog / that / is!
  C                                    S       V
  下の文では『S+Vの前に名詞がある』ので「What ~!」です。
  *( What )( a ) big dog / that / is!

(4) <If/ you don’t hurry up>, you / will be / late.
  M    S’    V’                      S       V          C
  ( Hurry )( up ), ( or ) you will be late.

(5) What a good idea / he / has!
  O                          S     V
  How ( good ) his idea ( is )!

 - 命令文, 感嘆文






メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


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連立完成問題7 命令文, and / or

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