





64 次の2文がほぼ同じ内容になるよう(  )に適語を入れなさい。
(1) I know a girl. Her mother can speak French well.
  I know a girl (   ) mother can speak French well.
(2) The sleeping child is Mary’s sister.
  The child (   )(   ) sleeping is Mary’s sister.
(3) This is a book written by Yasunari Kawabata.
  This is a book (   )(   ) written by Yasunari Kawabata.
(4) Do you know that girl with long hair?
  Do you know that girl (   )(   ) is long?
(5) Ned is a boy whose eyes are brown.
  Ned is a boy (   ) has brown eyes.

(1) I / know / a girl.    Her mother / can speak / French / well.
  S  V         O          S                  V                O           M
  → I know a girl and her mother can speak French well.
  「and her」(人・所有格)を関係代名詞に置き換えます。
  *I know a girl ( whose ) mother can speak French well.

(2) The sleeping child / is / Mary’s sister.
  S                          V     C
  「the sleeping child」を文で表すと「The child is sleeping.」です。
  →The child [and she is sleeping] is Mary’s sister.
  「and she」(人・主格)を関係代名詞に置き換えます。
  *The child ( who )( is ) sleeping is Mary’s sister.

(3) This / is / a book written by Yasunari Kawabata.
  S       V    C       ←
  「written by ~」は、次項で学ぶ「分詞の形容詞用法」です。
  *This is a book ( which )( was ) written by Yasunari Kawabata.

(4) Do / you / know / that girl with long hair?
  (V)  S       V         O        ←
  「that girl with long hair」の内容は「あの女の子の髪は長い」です。
  →Do you know that girl and her hair is long.
  「and her」(人・所有格)を関係代名詞に置き換えます。
  *Do you know that girl ( whose )( hair ) is long?

(5) Ned / is / a boy (whose eyes/ are brown).
  S       V   C      ←
  「His eyes are brown.」⇔「He has brown eyes.」を考えます。
  →Ned is a boy and he has brown eyes.
  「and he」(人・主格)を関係代名詞に置き換えます。
  *Ned is a boy ( who ) has brown eyes.

  『with ~ ⇔ who has ~ ⇔ whose ~』の書き換えも覚えておきましょう。

65 関係代名詞を用いて1文にしなさい。
(1) The boy was very kind. He spoke to me at the station.
(2) I have a friend. His father works at that store.
(3) The big house is my aunt’s. It has a beautiful garden.
(4) The dictionary is on my desk. My uncle gave it to me.

(1) The boy / was / very kind.   He / spoke / to me / at the station.
  S             V       C               S      V         M        M
  → The boy [and he spoke to me at the station] was very kind.
  「and he」(人・主格)を関係代名詞で置き換えます。
  *The boy who spoke to me at the station was very kind.

(2) I / have / a friend.   His father / works / at that store.
  S  V        O             S                V         M
  → I have a friend and his father works at that store.
  「and his」(人・所有格)を関係代名詞に置き換えます。
  *I have a friend whose father workd at that store.

(3) The big house / is / my aunt’s.    It / has / a beautiful garden.
  S                     V    C                 S    V      O
  → The big house [and it has a beautiful garden] is my aunt’s.
  「and it」(物・主格)を関係代名詞に置き換えます。
  *The big house which has a beautiful garden is my aunt’s.

(4) The dictionary / is / on my desk.    My uncle / gave/ it / to me.
  S                     V    M                   S               V      O    M
  → The dictionary [and my uncle gave it to me] is on my desk.
  「and it」(物・目的格)を関係代名詞に置き換えます。
  *The dictionary which my uncle gave to me is on my desk.

 - 関係代名詞






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