


連立完成問題11 Shall we ~?の書き換え






51. (      ) be late tomorrow morning.
      You (      ) not be late tomorrow morning.

52. If you get up early, you will catch the train.
      (      ) up early, (      ) you will catch the train.

53. Shall we go out for a walk?
      (      ) go out for a walk.

54. He can sing very well.
      He is very (      )(      ) singing.

55. This book is not as easy as that one.
      This book is (      )(      ) than that one.


51. ( Don’t ) be late tomorrow morning.
      You ( must ) not be late tomorrow morning.

「(     ) be」の(     )には、主語になる名詞・代名詞は入りませんね。動詞が「原形 be」では使えませんから。

『動詞の原形 be を使う場合』
助動詞+動詞の原形          …He will be here soon.
不定詞(to+動詞の原形)    …We want to be a high school students.
命令文(Be+形容詞・名詞)Be silent in the classroom.

「You (     ) not be」の(     )には、助動詞が入ります。

Don’t+動詞の原形 ~ ⇔ You must not +動詞の原形

52. If you get up early, you will catch the train.
      ( Get ) up early, ( and ) you will catch the train.

『命令文 ~, and / or』

53. Shall we go out for a walk?
      ( Let’s ) go out for a walk.

『Let’s ~の書き換え』
Let’s go shopping with us.
= Shall we go shopping with us?
= How about going shopping with us?

「How about ~?」の「about」は前置詞なので、「~」で使う動詞は動名詞にする。


54. He can sing very well.
      He is very ( good )( at ) singing.

『be good at ~:~が上手だ』


55. This book is not as easy as that one.
      This book is ( more )( difficult ) than that one.


「2音節以上の形容詞・副詞の比較級では more+形容詞・副詞 で表します」

 - 連立完成問題






メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


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