


連立完成問題19 not ~ any = no






91. What will he do this afternoon?
      What (     ) he (     ) to do this afternoon?

92. She has no brothers.
      She does (     ) have (     ) brothers.

93. March 5 is my birthday.
      I was (     ) March 5.

94. He is an English teacher at this school.
      He (     )(     ) at this school.

95. There are three libraries in our town.
      Our town (     ) three libraries.


91. What will he do this afternoon?
      What ( is ) he ( going ) to do this afternoon?

「What・he・do this afternoon」の語順が変わっていないので、「助動詞の書き換え」であることがわかります。

『will ⇔ be going to』

92. She has no brothers.
      She does ( not ) have ( any ) brothers.

『no = not ~ any』で書き換えができます。

・注意することは、必ず「not ~ any」の語順であること。「any ~ not」の語順では使えません。というのは、「any」は「疑念(疑う気持ち)」がある場合にしか使えないからです。

93. March 5 is my birthday.
      I was ( born ) March 5.


94. He is an English teacher at this school.
      He ( teaches )( English ) at this school.



95. There are three libraries in our town.
      Our town ( has ) three libraries.

『存在の表現→場所が主語であれば、動詞は have を使う』

There are three libraries in our town.
= We have three libraries in our town.
= Our town has three libraries.


96. Mr. Nakamura taught English in the 1980s.
      Mr. Nakamura (     ) an English (     ) in the 1980s.

97. My brother studies at high school.
      My brother (     ) a high school (     ).

98. Can you answer the question?
      (     ) you (     )(     ) answer the question?

99. Must I visit my aunt in the hospital?
      (     ) I (     ) to visit my aunt in the hospital?

100. Don’t look at my notebook.
        You (     )(     ) look at my notebook.


96. Mr. Nakamura taught English in the 1980s.
      Mr. Nakamura ( was ) an English ( teacher) in the 1980s.


97. My brother studies at high school.
      My brother ( is ) a high school ( student ).


98. Can you answer the question?
      ( Are ) you ( able )( to ) answer the question?

「you・answe the question」の語順が変わっていないので「助動詞の書き換え」だとわかります。

『can ⇔ be able to』

99. Must I visit my aunt in the hospital?
      ( Do ) I ( have ) to visit my aunt in the hospital?

「I・visit my aunt in the hospital」の語順が変わっていないので「助動詞の書き換え」だとわかります。

『must ⇔ have to』この「have」は一般動詞の扱いをします。

100. Don’t look at my notebook.
        You ( must )( not ) look at my notebook.

『否定命令文 ⇔ must not』の書き換えですね。

 - 連立完成問題






メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


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