


連立完成問題23 前置詞の目的語






116. Jim went out in the yard and helped his father.
        (     )(     ) his father, Jim went out in the yard.

117. Ken can’t play the piano well.
        Ken is poor (     )(     ) the piano.

118. I have a lot of books and I have to read them this week.
        I have a lot of books (     )(     ) this week.

119. I watched the baseball game on TV. I enjoyed it very much.
        I (     )(     ) the baseball game on TV very much.

120. I was surprised when I heard the strange story.
        I was surprised (     )(     ) the strange story.


116. Jim went out in the yard and helped his father.
        ( To )( help ) his father, Jim went out in the yard.


 (1)目的 (2)原因 (3)結果 (4)程度

117. Ken can’t play the piano well.
        Ken is poor ( at )( playing ) the piano.


be poor at ~:~が下手である』
be good at ~:~が上手である』

『前置詞の目的語:(1)名詞 (2)目的格 (3)動名詞』

118. I have a lot of books and I have to read them this week.
        I have a lot of books ( to )( read ) this week.



I have a lot of books and I have to read them this week.
= I have a lot of books and them I have to read this week.
= I have a lot of books which I have to read this week.
= I have a lot of books to read this week.

119. I watched the baseball game on TV. I enjoyed it very much.
        I ( enjoyed )( watching ) the baseball game on TV very much.

『動名詞を目的語にとる動詞:enjoy, finish, stop, mind, give up, etc』

120. I was surprised when I heard the strange story.
        I was surprised ( to )( hear ) the strange story.

『be動詞+形容詞+~:(1)前置詞+名詞 (2)to-不定詞 (3)that-節』

I was surprised when I heard the strange story.
= I was surprised at hearing the strange story.
= I was surprised to hear the strange story.

 - 連立完成問題






メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


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